Monday, February 8, 2016

what is the chance of having breast cancer at age 21?

More youthful ladies more often than not don't consider getting bosom growth. All things considered, under 7% of all bosom disease cases happen in ladies under 40. In any case, it can happen at any age, and it's essential to know about your danger variables, paying little heed to your age.

breast cancer risk factors

The accompanying put you at higher danger:

An individual history of bosom growth or some noncancerous bosom illnesses.

A family history of bosom tumor, especially in a mother, girl, or sister.

History of radiation medications to the mid-section before age 40.

Having a particular hereditary deformity (called BRCA1 or BRCA2 transformation).

Getting your period before age 12.

For a few ladies, your age when you had your first youngster.

Other danger components incorporate overwhelming liquor use, high admission of red meat, thick bosoms, weight, and race.

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